

Where do the messages go?

To me. When you press the button, the message is sent to an email inbox I have set up specifically for this purpose with the sender email address as "" and the subject line of "A Message".

Do you read all of them?

Yes. However due to the massive number of messages I receive, I am still a few months behind. Sometimes I start from the oldest messages. Sometimes I start from the newest messages. This is why some of you receive responses several months late or you receive them within a few days or even minutes.

How many messages do you receive?

Roughly two or three hundred per day.

What do you track when I send a message? Will I get spam or viruses?

When you send a message, that's all you are doing. I do not collect any information. I track NOTHING. This often amuses me because people DEMAND that I respond. I don't know why. They haven't given me any information with which I can contact them. Although a very small set of people give me their email address and I do respond to those when I come across them, usually if there is a prompt of some sort.

What do people send you.

Anything and everything. I have them separated out into folders. Here's a screenshot of my inbox. You would be surprised how many people just copy the contents of the front page and paste it into the box and send me that. I don't know why they do this. People also send me stuff in other languages. I only speak English. Quite a few people send me jibberish. I get many insults. I also get "I love you" quite frequently along with other compliments. Quite a few people think it's funny to respond to the "Thank You" page with a "your welcome" message (btw, it's "you're welcome", not "your welcome". Of the hundreds of message like this I receive, only one person has gotten the spelling correct). You can probably guess what's in the "random-ass shit" folder. Some people tell me about their day. Other people threaten me. I also receive lots of jokes and facts. By far, the most popular thing people do is just send "hi". Messages that are just "hi" account for more than 20% of the messages I receive.

Will you ever post what is sent to you?

Eventually I will only post the jokes and facts I receive. There're quite a few and I need to go through and organize them. Many of the facts I receive are false. Many of the jokes I receive are in poor taste. So I won't post them all.

Can you just tell me one of the jokes you have received?

What do you call a psychic midget who has escaped from prison? A small medium at large!

Why do you do this?

I almost took this site down a few times. People call me names and vulgarities. But even so, some people really love it. I will share one message I received with you: "I appreciate not only the concept but aslo the tone of your delivery. It's quirky little things like this that distract me long enough from throwing the rope over the rafter to trudge through another day."